主页 > 申硕指南 > 申硕考试英语作文一些模板句子


时间:2014-04-16 09:03 来源:未知 作者:管理员—小薛 点击:


   1.as far as …… be concerned [就……而言]

  2.has/have unpleasant association with sth.[对……没好感]

  3.an increasingly number of……[越来越多的……]

  4.point out……[指出]

  5.contribute (directly) to sth……[(直接)有助于……]

  6.proper measures should be taken to/great efforts should be made to[应采取适当的措施/当努力去做]

  7.be questioned by……[受到质疑]

  8.no one can deny the fact that……[不可否认]

  9.an recent investigation indicated that……[最近一项调查表明]

  10.tend to have farourable attitude towards sth……[受到欢迎]

  11.turn a blind eye to/turn a deaf ear to[视而不见/聪而不闻]

  12.pay a heavy price to do sth.[为做某事付出巨大代价]

  13.the most significant aspect of sth.[最重要的是]

  14.make it possible for sb to do[使某人做某事成为可能]

  15.be obliged to admit the fact that[不得不承认]

  16.spare no effort to do[不歇余力做某事]

  17.the information I`ve collected for many years lead me to believe that……[从我这些年所收集的信息使我相信]

  18.pose a tremdous threat to sth.[给 ……造成巨大威胁]

  19.produce a far-reaching infuence on sth.[对……产生巨大影响]

  20.live under illusion/down to the earth[生活在幻想中/脚踏实地或面对现实]

本文地址: http://www.mba-uibe.cn/shenshuozhinan/20140416256.html
